CoastalTown News Article

Small Baits vs. Large Baits at Lake Martin

Posted: 3/19/2007

Larry Collins

Water temperature on Lake Martin creeping up now from 62-65 degrees as the days warms on up with lots of sunshine. This week let’s talk about small baits compared to larger baits which are the best to fish on Lake Martin?

You talk to some fishermen and you hear of larger baits and how that is the way to go to catch those large bass and others opt for smaller size baits. Which of these two sizes works best on Martin?

If you enjoy throwing large size baits then of course stick with what you have the most confidence in. However Lake Martin with its clear water may require that you rethink size. For some the change will never come as there are those die hard big bait fishermen. Their theory is that the larger the bait the bigger the bass caught. This is partly true but with the number of spotted bass outnumbering the largemouth on Martin the big bait theory may not work all the time. There are times when throwing a big bait is the right thing to do but most of the times you have to be able to use both large and small in a days fishing here on this lake.

Also what happens with lots of fishermen is that as we get older me included we begin to realize that we just don’t enjoy throwing big crank baits or spinner baits all day when we can take spinning tackle and one eight ounce baits and catch just as many fish and most times just as large in size. Lot of this also is the fact that we don’t have grass on this lake or lots of stained water to fish where larger baits seem to produce the best. As this lake ages and more shore line is developed with less and less cover the move to finesse type baits which are smaller baits will continue. Gone are the days when you could go up river and into many creeks and find plenty of cover to fish. Now it is docks where most have no cover except for just the dock it’s self.

Change is hard for some to adapt to and they will always be some fish that will bite larger baits all year long but if you are looking to catch many fish of all sizes then smaller baits will be a top producer. The only one exception to this might be top water plugs which we will talk about in the near future. Right now the weather is changing to spring and the fish are starting to move up into shallow water and fishing is good. So no matter your choice of baits to throw get out and enjoy the lake and remember safety first is the only way to insure that you get to fish another day. Till next week keep your kill switch hooked up and have a great week I’ve gone fishing.

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